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A Routine Podiatry Appointment usually lasts about 30 minutes and 45 minutes for an Extended Podiatry appointment for more complex issues. This treatment will get you back walking on air in no time!!







Callus and Corn Removal 

Calluses are plaques of hard, thick, yellowish skin that develop on the sole of the foot and sometimes the toes usually around areas of excessive pressure. They are rarely painful however they can cause discomfort while walking.

Corns are much smaller than calluses. They are localised and highly concentrated areas of hard skin that form because of high pressure and friction. Main causes for excessive pressure and friction include: Inappropriate or poorly fitting footwear, Reduced fatty padding due to age, Weight gain, Some medical conditions such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism, Some skin disorders such as psoriasis or eczema and can often develop over scarred tissue.  Softer corns can also develop in between the toes due to excessive moisture or sweating. Corns can cause pain and discomfort when pressure is applied.


Podiatrists are specially trained in the effective and safe removal of calluses and corns. They can perform a physical examination to ascertain the mechanical issue behind the formation of these calluses and corns. From the findings of this assessment, footwear advice can be given along with the implementation of orthotics/insoles to help prevent any further recurance.

*We do not recommend the use of Corn Plasters. These plasters use Salicylic Acid and this can cause further damage to the skin*


Cracked Heels

Cracking of the skin on the heels of the feet is usually caused by a combination of excessive drying out of the skin and the wearing of shoes that subject the skin to extra tension and movement. Backless footwear like sandals and flip flops and not wearing socks with shoes are often linked to this problem. Weight gain and underlying medical conditions such as Diabetes, Hypothyroidism and skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema can cause excessive drying out of the skin to a higher degree than normal.

Treatment:  The Podiatrist will perform a physical examination to ascertain the cause of the cracked heels and will put a treatment plan in place. This may include the gentle removal of the thickened hard skin around the heel and advice on suitable footcare products to delay the hard/dry skin returning and footwear advice. 



A verruca is a wart found on the sole of the foot that has a circular cauliflower shape sometimes with black dots inside. They usually are slightly raised and have a hard edge and a softer centre. They are caused by benign types of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). A verruca can occur on its own or in a cluster which is referred to as mosaic warts.

Treatments: In most individuals, Verrucae will heal themselves with time. However, If you find the verruca Painful or unsightly you may wish to treat it. 

On the initial appointment a treatment plan will be put in place depending on the size and how long the Verruca has been present. Optimising your immune system is key as the Verruca is a virus and this will increase your chances of fighting the virus. We have multiple chemicals which are used on the verruca so our treatments can be specialised to each individual patient and their needs. Verruca treatments usually take time and consistency so this is something to keep in mind before undergoing Verruca treatments.


Nail Cutting

We cut and file toe nails for people who find this task difficult due to poor mobility or people who have problematic nails. Thickened nails due to damage or fungal infections can be a real struggle for people. We have the equipment to allow us to cut and file nails painlessly and effectively. 
We also provide a nail reconstruction treatment which involves the application of a false nail  for those of you who are embarrassed by the aesthetic appearance of your toe nails


Fungal Infections 

Fungal Nails (Onychomycosis)

Fungal nail infections are very common among the general population and usually present as a yellow, crumbly and thickened nails that may or may not be painful. If left untreated the fungal infection can spread to the other nails and skin and can cause other problems. 

Treatment of a fungal nail infection can be difficult as the infection is embedded within the nail and is difficult to reach. A number of other nail conditions may resemble a fungal nail infection. Therefore, its important to get a correct diagnosis before commencing any treatments.

Our podiatrists are fully trained to evaluate and diagnose fungal nails, we specialise in the treatment of fungal nail infections.

Athletes Foot

Athlete's foot is casued by a fungal infection that usually develops between your toes. Your shoes provide an ideal environment for fungus as they produce a warm, dark, moist environment. Symptoms include itching, scaling, inflammation, and blisters on and between the toes. Athlete’s foot should be treated as soon as possible to prevent the infection spreading to your toenails. Where possible try to not walk barefoot in public areas, wear airy light shoes & cotton socks changing both often. Application of twice daily Surgical spirits and antifungal medication will help.

Fungal Nail
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